The following amp is simply entitled Sam. It refers to Major Samantha Carter from Stargate SG1.
The amp belongs in the television category and it is version 1.0. Amanda Tapping is the actress who plays Sam and she does an absolutely brilliant job. So this is my tribute to her character.
Thorpey II v1.5 [30:05:03]
you may distribute this skin as long as it is not altered in any way [including this .txt file], and that correct ...
--- ARCTEC [SE] v2.0 ---
The second version of SE series.
Not much different from the previous version but have undergone some major update.
Very easy to eye. I tries to use light blue LCD but it really make my eye sick , so finally I decided to us ...
Wheeeee! Zelgadis looks soooo cute here! He is one of my favorite
characters from Slayers! Poor golem boy ^^
March 6, 1999
info-is@in-file ...
Created By Steven Linton, 23/06/99
This is my 1st attempt at a Winamp skin, and considing the time it took, will probebly be my last as well.
I hope that you like it as much as I do, I made it for my personal use mainly as it seems no one likes it.
Enterprise ST-AC M (Star-Trek, Audio Controls Modified)
By Eftinoiu Cristian
Date: 2006 definitivated, but first ideas from 2003
Iasi, Romania, EU
e-mail: info-is@in-file
SONY PMC-301re v3.1 for 2.9
added cursors,mikro amp.
july 7 /2003
SONY PMC-301re v3.0 for 2.9
changed everywhere :-)
june 26 / 2003