Author: Cris Jiménez
Mail: info-is@in-file
Tools Used: Adobe PhotoShop 7 and MS Paint.
This is my second skin I think this one is far better than the one I did before, It's based on the main character of Silent Hill 3, wich It's the first SH sta ...
- Fusion-Striker -
By: The Hagman
mail: info-is@in-file
icq: 30325728
The first time I saw Fusion amp deck I was so
impressed. So I tried to make a look-a-like,
°°°°°KENWOOD KDC-MP3ver.1.0 READ ME File°°°°°°°
READ ME and Skin created by WILDCORE E-mail at info-is@in-file
Welcome to the READ ME of the KENWOOD KDC-MP3 S ...