27® Green - A skin by Midhun Subhash
This is the green tinted version of the 27 series. Built to remain simple, elegant and functional.Feel free to mail me your suggestions at: info-is@in-fil ...
================================Agent J-87================================
6:02 PM 5/12/2006
Here's a skin I've been working on in between things,its a follow up version to my Army-Amped skin,hope you like it.This skin was made using Micrografx Picture ...
Hikari AMP v2.0 - by PARANOiA MMX (Lok Kin Yat, Kenny)
A quick update version. Background was decorated with light texture, colours were corrected,
Hikari's body rescanned, and some amendment on the borders and framework.
22nd January, 2001 - 01:41 ...
***** DESPERADO ****
A Winamp skin - inspired by the movie Desperado
--> Version 1.0
--> This skin was made by Miara (info-is@in-file)
This is my first try to make a complete winamp skin.
enjoy it ...
Kittie Hear them Roar skin v1.0
This skin features the Metal band Kittie.
for more info about kittie go to:
This skin was made by Mr Tough Guy,
and includes along with the regular features,
a skin for mikroamp and for the first ...