WinAmp v2.9 "Lucky Strike" Skin
April 8, 2004
By Hernandus (info-is@in-file)
WinAmp Skin Made in Argentina.
Thanks to Jellby for his great template.
Skinner's Atlas 1.5.1. It´s ...
Skin Data for Winamp 2.X
Created by Robo-T
Date JAN.29.2001
Thank you for downloading this file.
Please enjoy it!!
This ZIP file is including:
Penny Arcade
You wouldn't get it.
Winamp skin by LuigiHann
All art stolen from the comic by Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins, except for the kitchen background which was taken from
Penny Arcade (www ...
margleAMP by Demoniac
0) The author:
Email: info-is@in-file
1) Required:
A computer
2) Recommended:
Good music
Lots of money
A fast car
3) Installat ...
Pántha Rei 1.06 (19.3.2001)
Finally I've done the first full functionally version of my 3rd skin!
This skin looks simple in a way, but still it took me a very long time to
do it...maybe cos I've tried out so many things?!
And I have to a ...
Shite Skin
(C) TufTuf Designs, Summer 2005
Just another skin...
Just like thousands before...
Who gives a Shite?
But then again, making a skin is great...
To see it grow step by step...
Why would one use thousands or millions of colours
When j ...