by Nelson Acosta
Version 1 Finished 11/28/00 11:28pm
Thanks For downloading this skin and i hope you like.
Skin Creado Por Ivan Palacios
wmp version 4.0
martes, 18, octubre, 2005
ver editada con todas las aplicaciones nesesarias
tiene todo con un diseņo dif ...
utopia yearning
anhelus skin c. 2001
I found your picture between the covers of a book,
and though it was pretty worn, I just had to make a skin from it.
I know this is like sending a radio signal out into space,
but hey, stranger things have happe ...
.....[rusted old thing].....
2nd skin....made in, i haven't cound the hours......donno what to say....
waahhhhhhhh!! don't change anything without permission!----
at DantS
---[ info-is@in-file ]---
wruah, sourcecod ...
CityAmp v2.0 by Lufbra Bantam
Thankyou for Downloading CityAmp. It was built over several hours
using little more than Paint Brush and a lot of trial and error.
It is my own little tribute to the promoted Bradford City team of 1998/99.
Since v1 ...
==================== Project ibun =====================
This skin was created in June 2002 by Thomas Hooper
If you're planning on taking credit for this skin or
publishing it without mentioning me, DONT! because i ...
By LuigiHann
This skin was inspired by the anime Trigun. All of the graphics were done from scratch in Photoshop. I was trying ta make a skin that recognisably resembles and alludes to the anime, ...
LG digital sound
Released 2nd oct 00
"Bandung Indonesia"
Hear your favorite MP3 with LG Digital Sound
and feel the amazing sound.
Skinmaster : Iswahyudi "idhuy" Hanafiah
e-mail : info-is@in-file ...