Thank you for using this skin!
Blue Plastic by DF
Version: 1.0
Check out my other skins here:
Recently I accidently created a blue frame
in 3d in Micrografx PP. After hours of cutting and pasting
I created this skin.
The name doesn't mean anything except that it looks like plastic to me...
Software I used making this skin:
Ms Paint
Xara 3d 3
Ms Photo Editor
Micrografx Picture Publisher
Ms Notepad
-But allmost everything was edited in Paint.I'm very proud of that.
You know it.
Check out the developer section at for more info about skins
and making your own skins.
If anybody still doesn't know how to change the text color in the Minibrowser, here you go:
Add this code to the "plEdit.txt" :
In this case the color will be blue and the background will be black.
Change the number code to change the actual colors.
(All codes are availible somewhere at developer section at
-Did u use any skinning tools when
making this skin?
-Yes. The "QuickSkin"(Availible,downloadable,enjoyable & free at
-Can I take and use parts from this skin?
-Steal any parts u want from my skins, but mail me first!
I want to see the result :)
-How do I steal parts?
-Just rename the *.wsz file to *.zip(if it isn't a *.zip allready) and all bitmapps
will be availible!
Dont forget to mail me if u have any comments, or if there's something u still don't know.
Thank you for reading this message!
*** readme.txt for FATBOYamp ***
Version: 1.00
Developed by: PHG
Published the: 24.8 2000
This is my 10΄th skin! And 3'th music skin
Always wanted to be a DJ...
...well nudge those records an see 'em spin!
Make way FATBOY SLIM is ...
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info-is@in-file ...
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Simon & Milo's Hot Show AMP v1.0
START: April 19, 2000
FINITO: April 24, 2000
Pics from without permission (plz don't sue!). Send comments/criticizms/whatever to info-is@in-file or ICQ19100067
[ Fan o' ] "Cre ...