How to use this skin:
If you have a Winamp 2.04 or more:
put this zipfile into the /skins folder
under the /winamp one, then press ALT+S
with WinAmp Running and choose the skin from the list
that will pop up.
If you have a previous version:
Unzip all the zipfile into a folder under /skins one.
i.e.: /winamp/skins/Edu22amp
Every skin needs to be unzipped in a different folder.
Como usar este skin:
Se você possui a versão do Winamp 2.04 ou mais recente:
Coloque este arquivo zipado na pasta /skins que está dentro
da pasta /winamp, então tecle ALT+S com o Winamp funcionando
e selecione o skin da lista que irá aparecer.
Se você possui uma versão anterior:
Descompacte todos os arquivoe em uma pasta que esteja dentro da pasta
ex: /winamp/skins/EDU22AMP
Cada skin deve ser descompactado dentro de uma pasta diferente.
Eduardo Pereira
Joinville-SC Brazil
Look! It's Card Captor Kamui and Fuuma-chan! hehehe :) Too bad the bars on
the EQ skin block some of the view, but you can see here that Kamui is leafing
through the book of Clow, and that Fuuma has Sakura's wand. And Kero-chan
seems to b ...
-- an update to v2.5 --
+ Designed by:
cRaCkhEaD (c)2000
+ Design Notes:
released 1.28.00
based on the AmpFlux Blue Ampskin + All previous versions of AmpFlux SE
created for Win ...
I Recomend to use this skin With the Desktop in 800 X 600 ... if it is Smaller It's a bit Confusing..
¤¤ Este SkIn EsTa EcHo Y DeDiCaDo EsPeCiAL MeNtE A Mi AMiGA ....Un BeSOTe PaRa vOs BB!
¤ ...
Me Luigi.
Me Luigi Hann!
This skin tells a story.
Story about good.
Story about bad.
This skin tells the story of a truly great game.
The game of "The Neverhood"
Luigi thinks once you use this skin, ...
Ellyamp :
Version 3.03
Skin completed at 3:14 am , 23rd of Apr 2003 on Jasc PaintShop Pro 7.04. Unfortunatly, animated cursors where not added since Animation Shop 3 kept screwing my transparent cursors all the time >_ ...