_.:~ m-pulse v1.1 ~:._
> for Winamp 2.x > May, 2001
> By PeaceMaker (Mike McKimm)
> (c) copyright 2001
> www.geocities.com/behnster
_.:~ About ~:._
> i made this skin after several months of looking
at several skins (no names mentioned) that i reckon are a waste of time to even put their name on the winamp website
> it is a shame to look at such pieces of shit and call them skins
> this is why i made m-pulse, a easy-to-look-at skin without having all the excess dribble that some skins have, or lack of detail, which newcomers tend to leave out
> i really hate skins that show some chicky babe on the main bitmap screen and thats it
> any how, this skin took me about 72 hours to put together, and another 12 or so to fix up the minimal mistakes which finally should be the last m-pulse version, being 1.1
_.:~ Skin briefs ~:._
> an update from m-pulse v.1.0
> completed skin fixing minor pixel errors
> kept it as clean as possible, but i'm no expert :P
_.:~ Improvements ~:._
> updated number & text fonts
> new cursors --brings a little life :)
> skin file is packaged with 'Gothic.ttf' font
-- for playlist ** font intsallation guide below **
> alterations to the menu and equalizer screens button layout
> couple of extra 'trick bits :P'
_.:~ Bugs ~:._
> were minor pixel alignment errors in the equalizer
> any that the winamp crew have not fixed which shows on all skins
_.:~ Programs Used ~:._
> paint shop pro v5.0
> w.skinner v1.01 beta
^download this from my website
> icon edit pro v7.1
_.:~ My other skins on Winamp Website ~:._
> 'In The Zone' v1.0 + updated v1.1
_.:~ sorry MaSS ~:._
_.:~ Contact Details ~:._
> info-is@in-file
> icq# 103524695
Please Enjoy! and don't rip bits off ;)
_.:~ Font Installation Guide ~:._
> you may have this font 'Century Gothic.ttf' or 'Gothic.ttf' already installed!
> if you don't, please follow:
> rename 'm-pulse.wsz' to 'm-pulse.zip'
> open 'm-pulse.zip' and double-click 'gothic.exe'. !!only if u havn't got the font installed!!
> thats it, HAVE A GOOD ONE! :)
Producto de Daniel's Wolrd
Buenos Aires Argentina
Hola, Saludos a los que vean este documento.
Si usted esta leyendo esto, significa que pude hacer que mi amp
apareciera en winamp.com o en otra pagina parecida y ...
This skin was created by
The Futurama Point - 2001
Quito - Ecuador
Este sk ...
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...
=>Windows Xp Styled Skin from GSA info-is@in-file
-> info-is@in-file
for more skins visit:
-> www.gsa.fatal.ru
StreamingSoundtracks.com official Winamp 2 skin
visit http://www.streamingsoundtracks.com
created by Judy Schmidt AKA Geckzilla
Random fact: The AVS will look weird if you do
not have the latest version ...
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...