pipeline - st*
*st stands for __--stone--__(again)
i youst dont whant to leave the original version like that so i add chrome to look a bit realistic and made i few parts transparent(that was the original idea-but i didnt know how to do it- until no ...
L I G H T A M P !!.
Electric Blue
If you know the past version you relly see the extraordinary change in this one.
principally the look of the skin has been enhance an a profesional quality level, semi tra ...
Enjoy the Stream Machine version 1a for Winamp2.9 & Winamp5
Made by Frixzi (info-is@in-file), Nov 2004.
Thanks to Jellby for the Skinner's Atlas v1.5.1
Font=Tahoma ...
___ PIZZA HUT ___
by Stephen Moss
version 2.1: April 9, 2001
original release: February 3, 2000
This skin has been produced for the nice folks at Pizza Hut.
I hope you dig it!
v ...
This Winamp skin was created by Gene Moore.
This is a skin of the ZDTV show Call For Help, and
it's host, Leo Laporte. It uses a lot of graphics
that were taken from the zdtv.com website, and were
used without permission, although I really don't
th ...