SONY PMC-301re v2.1 for 2.9
Some details were changed.
june 25 / 2003
SONY PMC-301re v2 for 2.9
Some details were changed.
june 9 / 2003
SONY PMC-301re for 2.9
Do not use any stuff of this skin without permission.
Do not use commercial purpose without permission.
Do not republish without permission.
by Mrym
=== TI-83amp Version 1.1 by Panther 37 ===
I wanted this amp to look as close I could make it
to my TI-83 graphing calculator. Most of the amp
display is supposed to look like it is dot matrix. All
of the fonts come straight from the calculator.
Futerayn V1.0 for WinAmp 2.x
First of all, thanks for downloading my skin :).
Please also give comments (if possible) about the skin on the site you
downloaded it from. That way Iknow what to improve and what not.
Send ...
EricssAmp By Andrew Murphy - 24/02/99
EricssAmp is a winamp skin based on my Ericsson A1018s mobile
phone. The phone has an interchangeable coloured panel around
the keypad and display, so I used that colour for the skin.
The skin includes files ...
"UglyMetal and Candy Things"... es el nombre verdadero y de los skins que hice es el que mas me gusta. Hecho en Image Composer ( me quedo una joyita, a ver si la gente de se pone las ...