Welcome to my second skin and thanks to download it!
I strike back with a new skin for WinAmp based on Iori Yoshizuki from
the manga I"S by Masakazu Katsura.
I made this skin using Skinner and Photoshop during some days...
In my opinion, Katsura is the best manga character desginer. Simply
the best. It's impossible to draw like this man (Don't you think so?).
Well, I suppose that you're using WinAmp 2.04 or later. If it's true,
just copy this zip into your WinAmp skins directory and then press
Alt+S to select it.
In this skin you can't find volume and balance buttons, because they
are just on the eyes of Iori, but you can use them without breaking
the image :) It's not difficult to make.
If you like (or not) this skin or you have any comments/suggestions
or you like I"S or Katsura, just send me an e-mail to:
P.D.: This skin dedicated to my friends Alvaro and Dani for introduce
me to the manga and anime world.
Remember that you can find a very beautiful skin made by Macaya
in the anime section called 'EVA-01 skin'.
Yes, my English is very poor, I'm sorry... but I come from Spain
so if you understand my language it would be better if you write
me in Spanish. Thanks!
> v1.0 by Subodha Wanasundera
Stasis Amp v1.0 for Winamp 2.x
Kind of an abstract skin for people who don't like straight lines or flat surfaces, while not so abstract & obscure you can't find the button. ...
Official 2Advanced Studios Winamp Skin
Made for: 2Advanced Studios
Made by: Karl Kwasny
(c)2001 2Advanced Studios ...
K-Aus 037 Amp v1 (4/9/04)
Created by Kyllian
Work in progress so stfu
First attempt at making a skin, took a lot of work to create as well(year+ of work, most within the past 2-3 months)
If you think this is pretty good work, remember this, abou ...
A New Next Generation Soft skin release..
-Technical Waste
-A skin for Winamp v2.64+
-Comments from author:
This skin was last seen & zipped up in
the MAXIMUM SOLITUDE skin as a preview of my upcoming work.
It was originally cal ...
Shite Skin
(C) TufTuf Designs, Summer 2005
Just another skin...
Just like thousands before...
Who gives a Shite?
But then again, making a skin is great...
To see it grow step by step...
Why would one use thousands or millions of colours
When j ...
BeAMP 5 is based on original beautiful BeOS GUI.
All elements (posbar, checkbox, buttons, etc.)
is modi ...
A Million More Titles
Click it. Charge it. Get it.
Just a note.......
This skin looks best against darker backgrounds. :)
I want to thank Robert...... for taking a dream he didn't even know
I had, a ...
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrects
Thank you for your download!
I used very long time to make this skin,and think
it's better than my other ones.
I read ...
_ _ _ _ ______HELLO KITTY______ _ _ _ _
by Lawrence Wong
especially for Amy Wong
Version 1.0 - September 09, 1999
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