*** Unreal Globes ***
Yo, this is my second skin. I think it beats my first one (Wood 'n' Chains) by a mile! With the two transparent globes, it has a real futuristic, spacy look. I put a lot of time and effort into this skin, but it was worth it. Hope you like it!
The transparency still isn't perfect, but it's really hard to get a smooth, rounded edge. I did the best I could!
(created with Paintshop Pro, Skinner, Microangelo)
Coppied from winamp/wa_dlg.h from the Winamp 2.9 ML SDK.
1) gen.bmp has a generic window frame for plugins to use.
its format is similar to the minibrowser's.
In addition gen.bmp includes a font for the titlebar, in both
LASERstar_4000 is the successor of the original LaserStar_3000 skin. The original skin was created on a computer using wrong contrast settings. The result was that the skin ended up appearing darker on most monitors than was originally i ...
name: Micha Klein
By : Tim Bakker (Salvatore)
mail: info-is@in-file
ICQ#: 36602778
This winamp is based on a Dutch grafical Atrtist
called Micha Klein. I've seen his work several
times and it was about time somone made a skin
of his work. So I d ...