To use this skin, extract it into your winamp/skins/ directory.. the
rest should take care of itself.. Im pretty f'n good aint I?
This is my first attempt at a WinAmp skin.. I think I did a really good
f'n job considering all I used was paint.. Most of it should work, and
if it doesn't, thats way too bad for you. Any questions, comments??
Email: info-is@in-file
Visit my webpage, sign my guestbook, and let me now how much you love
this shiiiii
Skin Name: Hitman Contracts 2004
Author: JayEm Manchester, UK
This is the new and improved version of the Hitman Contracts skin for Winamp 2.9 and above.
I've made a lot of changes after reading some of the reviews published by downloaders.
One o ...
SONY PMC-301re v3.1 for 2.9
added cursors,mikro amp.
july 7 /2003
SONY PMC-301re v3.0 for 2.9
changed everywhere :-)
june 26 / 2003
Requiem For A Dreamer
This skin is made by J ...
Obrigado por baixar este skin espero que goste.
Este skin e baseado nos aparelhos de som com estilo retro feitos com madeira sem nada de estravagante.
Eu procurei fazer um skin facil de usar e agradável para os olhos
Fiz o Stero One em uma semana com p ...