=>Windows Xp Styled Skin from GSA info-is@in-file
-> info-is@in-file
for more skins visit:
-> www.gsa.fatal.ru
------============[ BEAUTY? ]============------
------==========[[ BY HUNTER ]]===========------
------============[[[ ABOUT ]]]=============------
FINISHED: 18/10/2002
RELEASED: 21/10/2002
[BEAUTY? 1.1]
My second winamp skin. If you want the ...
Ahhh, I have finally finished this skin after working on it for one night and one morning!{1:23 PM 12/6/2005}
The original intention for the skin was to create a car dashboard type skin, but instead I ended up creating a skin that looks like a Bar/Pub . ...
::: dcb v1.5 by dcbel ::: 06.08.2006
winamp skin
After years of using winamp, i saw many great
skins but only a few of them were good looking
and usable.
So, i decided to do it at my own.
Roundabout 45+ h it takes me to dr ...