This Skin was generated using SkinAmp. SkinAmp is freeware, so if you want to get it, just mail me!
My email: info-is@in-file
If you want to visit my homepage, please goto
There you can find the newest versions of ...
;This file was generated by Winamp Transparency Tracer by Alex Vallat.
;For more information see
PointList=51,4,271,4,272,5,275,6,279,10,280,13,280,22,279,23,279,24,273,30,270,31,27 ...
River Plate skin
Por Verónica Lemos
Febrero 2004 - Buenos Aires, Argentina
Dedicado especialmente a mi esposo.
Espero que lo disfruten.
Gracias por bajarlo.
Bosteros abstenerse.
Comentarios? Sugerencias?
info-is@in-file ...
Februar 2001
rp07 grey
Mein siebenter WinampSkin
Viel Spaß damit!
Was ich sonst noch mache:
POV-Ray, TakeONE und Sound Club:
speziell TakeONE auf:
Gruß Porrey
eMail: ...
Yada yada yada. This is my first skin, and was originally made from the Bang & Olufsen skin, although now is completely different in everyway, so i don't think any rights have been breached. Sorry if they have, i didn't ...
```````````````````````````` ClassicAmp 4.0 ```````````````````````````
Yes, this is the v4.0 of my most popular skins,i
recieved many good comments for v3.0, therefore
this version just had to be made!
This skin retains the display colors from ...
from the creator of
the orignal SpyAMP comes...
SpyAMP 007 version 4.0
(modified for Winamp 2.x)
Mike Cao
ICQ 2158466 - zeromoo
Homepage: ...
Skin Name = Slick 2
Skin Verison = 1
Skin Author = Joe W. Garrett (aka "Garet Jax")
Author Email = info-is@in-file
Special Features:
All parts of this winamp skin are done.
Winamp Main - Skinned
Winamp Equalizer - Skinned
Dark Green Evo 0x0E
15th generation skin by EJ
Playlist Font:
Set as "Small Fonts", which looks rubbish above size 9.
Change font size to 9 in Options, Preferences, Playlist, Playlist Editor Appearance, Playlist Font Size.
[Also you can do this by ...