Liquid Crystal Amp v2.0, Winamp 2.76 Skin. Created by Ground Zero.
To enjoy this skin, move The ZIP file (Liquid Crystal Amp v2.0.wsz) into your
skins directory (...C:Program Fileswinampskin,for example).
Enjoy it!
antex by shottie aka kal36387
do not rip do not rip, all components copyrighted to me. mail
me for permission if you need to use it. info-is@in-file
report any major bugs to info-is@in-file thank you. ...
The OrbAmp Ver. 1.0 by Jacob Aspler
Released: August 28, 2002
Email: info-is@in-file
-Do not change and distribute this winamp skin
without my permission. If you wish to have this
winamp skin for download at your website then
contact me fo ...
This is my third skin and I think it looks very good. I think you'll like it eigher.
To tell the truth I grabbed it from Windows Media Player 7.0 skin but I must say that it was a very hard work because Winamp is more different that Media Player and I th ...
Harmony winamp skin ( version 1.0):
Skin based on a a skin I designed for in the name of skin. This is the modified/enhanced version and it contains several fixes and improvments ( The only thi ...
DMX AMP - skinned by brothaman2000
My 1st skin of DMX, this is for all the DMX fans ARF!ARF!ARF!
Name: X Amp
Release Version: v1.0 (1st release in GREENtrancetheme)
File format: BMP