DATe: 9/20/2000
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thanx for downloading my winamp skin. this is my first skin and i hope you people
like it. ive worked very hard on it so dont be stealing my skin. im anthony
mariano from silverado hs in victorville and im a proud hardcore laker fan!
Place zip file in your winamp skins directory or you can unzip it and put the folder
in the directory. download theee latest version of winamp @ goto for all your winamp skin needs.
the skin looks best when the spectrum analyzer option is set to either fires style
or line style.
Also, use bitmap style font or it will look messed up.
does anyone know an easier way to make font for winamp?? i had to use lots of small
squares to form each letter!!
creator: AntM
e-mail: info-is@in-file
i used a very good program, Viseditor 1.02. i got the lakers logo and pictures and the
nba logo off i also used my lamp as my inspiration.
HEy tonyH, Jr, rd, gege, peter, jeff, and others!
quote1: LAker dynasty begins!!! muhoohahahahaha!!!
look for my laker theme coming soon! ;) show your laker pride
quote2: WE AT IT AGAAAAIN!!!
Tundra Winamp Skin 1.5 - Classic Skin
Actualizated with bugs fixed
by Paulo Antunes
January, 2nd, 2005 - Happy new year!
Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
Enjoy Experience! :D
Thanks as peoples with ...
Hello! Thanks for download my skin :)
This is the fourth of my all skins.
I like Daniel Radcliffe, he's a great actor.
And in this picture he's very cute (maybe
it's make someone want to be this dog Ha!Ha!:)
Hope u like my skin and sorry for my p ...
*** readme.txt for KASHMIRamp ***
Developed by: PHG
This skin is made from the cover of the Danish band
KASHMIR's CD "The Good Life".
The pictures used are from the CD-cover. Seem familiar?
It's building plans for The Sydney Operah ...
-============== WinSkin 2.9 ==============-
Winamp skin for Winamp v2.9 or lower.
Skin para Winamp v2.9 ou versões anteriores (deve funcionar com versões posteriores também), baseado no desenho do Wi ...
This is my first Skin for WinAmp and it is dedicated to the best game in the world:
The Skin was done on March 11, 2000
I hope this wasn´t my last Skin and I will tried to make some Skins for WinAmp.
If you have some qu ...