Û³ ³Û
Û³ This skin was made for you by Zewen in the year of the lord 1999 ³Û
Û³ ³Û
Thursday 18/11/99
The X Files Amp Version 1.0
Winamp skin for Winamp 2.5 by Zewen
-= Installation =-
The zip file should have 18 files in it including this one.
And you don´t have to unzip the file.
>From Winamp 2.04+ .ZIP support for skins was added, Simply drop
a zipped skin in your WinampSkins directory! It saves much space
on your hdd, Thank you nullsoft for that!! =)
-= About =-
The skin is a tribute to the X files, do I have to say more?
It contains
- 4 windows (no winamp default ugly graphics)
- Main window
- Graphic Equalizer
- Playlist Editor
- Minibrowser
All in X files theme.
The viscolor.txt contains some description of what each row does, I hope
it can be to some help if you want to change it - or to help you to
create your own viscolor file for your own skin!
The pledit.txt contain the settings for the playlist and the
email me with comments
---------------------------------END OF FILE---------------------------
FUSION AMP Mk IV - ver 2.10
By - Dirty_Devil_98
E-Mail: info-is@in-file
Home Page: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Harbor/9224/
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2.9x compatible!
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No really, it was.
The idea behind this skin is to provide
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[ ...