Sharon Amp DW
by Larry Tennison
This is the secound skin that I ever made, and is finally being
submitted for the first time. After the "Macross Skin", also available
on the officail Winamp Site, it has been updated so many time in the
last 2 yrs that I don't even know wich version this is supposed to be.
Thus I have titled it version DW (DW being the initials of my on-line
The skin is of the picture you will find in the inside cover of the
Secound Origional Soundtrack to Macross Pluss.
New Features:
Well if it is possible to be skinned, it was skinned.
The font for the pl. is inclosed on the file as well
if you have any feedback, questions, or maybe even an idea for a skin
my e-mail is listed below:
33866099 (ICQ#)
Sorry 'info-is@in-file' for the stoolen
idea, but I have liked his skin very much and I felt
like redesign and improve it. It is my first winamp
skin (and maybe the last one).
Supports MiniBrowser and windowshade for Equalizer
too. ...
This Skin was partial generated using SkinAmp. Skinamp is freeware, you can download it on my homepage!
My email: info-is@in-file
P.S.: I'm NOT the author of this skin!!!
Thank you for reading,
D ...
30/07/2006 Buenos Aires, Argentina
Proyections DA6 Version
~Deviant Art Birthdays WASkin Gift~
Winamp Classic Skin
by: El*ArGeNtO
all gfx by El*ArGeNtO
The first version of this skin had a gre ...