Brought to you by: Ray Agnes
Completion Date: 12/22/01
Slogan: "Music is energy...flowing
through your body...over you and me,
floating through the night"
CONTACT: info-is@in-file
Comments: Inspired after seeing
the movie "Groove" last year (2000)
I attempted to make a skin that
hopefully would capture the essence
of trance music: smooth, graceful
movements that flowed from one dance
move to another; in this case from one
element to another in the skin. I am
pleased with the results of my fifth skin..
second to be mass released.
*Note*: There are two posbar images in the
file. One with the position button and one
Shoutz: A big thanks to all the people
who I have emailed the preview skin to
and gave excellent constructive criticism.
Thank you! o and... thank you for d/ling
this skin as well ;^)
-Skin dedicated to my ravergirl, Sophie-
-=[TerraTyp Arts AMP blue]=- Version 2.1
Tell me what you think about my skin....
Or have you some tips for me.. ?
E-M ...
Danielsson AMP 3 *** for Winamp - All Rights Reserved
- By Danielsson -
Kindred's Revived Thief Skin
This is an updated version my originam Thief skin.
It is built from the game's menu screens and is rather dark.
Thank you downloading it and supporting my sinister plan for world Winamp Skin Domination :->
~ Read Me...{most likely seeing this if you are a skinner or starting out to be one} ~
If you are reading this then you are probably a skin maker or simply to freakin nosy.
This skin is dedicated to everyone out there that have art in their freakin ...
=== Gackt C. ~within the moment of emptiness~ ===
= = = Skin for Winamp, created by myrrh = = =
Finished Date : 0010.06 1400
Note : Some buttons are missing.
Gackt, ex-vocalist of Malice Mizer (Now solo artist).. The picture used in this skin sca ...