Ghost Semi-Transparency Demonstrator
By Andrew Mackowski
Hi! Thanks for downloading this skin. The main purpose of this skin was to demonstrate the use of semi-transparency. Here, the Main Window's WindowShade mode is semitran ...
Streambox Ripper v1.2 by Barta
Based on Streambox Ripper's GUI. SR is is a program
that converts CD and S ...
ASU Winamp Skin version 1.51
by Brent Thomson
Revisions since version 1.0 : Better Eq Buttons!
Simpler font for playlist!
Groovie mouse pointers!
Playback Buttons that don't look "like t ...
August 24, 1999
Okay, I have made 8 Rasen no Kakera skins now. Yeesh, I can't get enough
of the artwork from this series! I should probably take a break from Rasen
Skins, or everyone will get sick of seeing them ^_^ Anyway, I liked the color
sche ...