PipBoy 2000 Audio Player
Januari 25th, 2000
Version 1.2.1
Author: Gerko
Version History:
-changed some stuff in this file,
because it's actually copyright by Interplay.
so it can't be used for business or profit in any way.
(not that I was going to anyway)
-found a "typo" in this file,
Version said 1.1.1 instead of 1.2.0
but this has been fixed by doing this.
1.2.0: (31st december, 1999)
-It has it's own font now, looks a bit smoother now (just a bit)
-colors in EQ graph change "faster"/"more"
-Added a "resize" triangle in the MiniBrowser editor.
-changed the "mainmenu.cur" a bit. (the "?" is smaller now)
-changed the "play-picture" a bit. (now a "full" triangle, instead of a > )
-added this section in the readme
1.1.0: (4th december, 1999)
- First 'real' release
- Added EQ and MB skins
(No name, Beta)
- created Main Window
- created Playlist
About this skin:
This Winamp skin is based on the game Fallout,
a RPG by BlackIsle Studios, a division of Interplay.
my first -real- skin.
I once modified one before, and made a "pledit".
but that was about it.
anyway, this skin has about everything,
playlist editor, equalizer, minibrowser and CURSORS.
Since almost every graphic are screenshots of the games
Fallout 1&2, then resized, cut, pasted and more,
this would mean that it's copyrighted by Interplay,
so it can't be used for business or profit.
software I used:
-MS Paint
-Axialis AX Cursors 4.5 (shareware)
-MGI PhotoSuite (for the inactive/active titlebars)
-Notepad for these *.txt files
If you have any comments on this skin,
feel free to E-M@il me at
- info-is@in-file -
Copyright on all graphics are by Interplay.
make shift rerun (winamp skin)
skin design, layout and artwork property of joe psota: info-is@in-file..
other skins include makeshift, opalescent, the creation series and a series of smashing pumpkins
skins found at :
and ...
www.statusroot.net - Winamp 2 & 5 Classic Skin
by nOvAmAz from StatusRoot*Team
If you use any part of the ...
Send no money now
If you like this skin, do three things for me.
1. Do something nice for somebody.
2. Send me a happy thought.
3. Live long and prosper. (I'm not a treky, but the saying is cool.)
This is going to be short.