Winamp Skin: "First Amp 1.1"
Author: Michael Brempel
Date : May 2000
E-mail: info-is@in-file
* Thanks for downloading my "First Amp 1.1".
* Have fun and send me a feedback.
* Fixed a bug in numbers.bmp and a failure in the readme.txt.
* Changed the Equalizer and the Player a little bit.
* AVS-Modul
* Cursors
Skin: BreadBoard
Author: jjpotter
-A .gif of the evolution of this skin is included in the file
-An actual breadboard al ...
thermophobiac remix
Tell me what you think of this or other skins of mine, and download more at:
or e-mail me at:
info-is@in-file ...
Tangerine Scream
(c) 2000 Neil Harvey
My first, and probably last texture based skin!.
This skin was done, maily because I like orange, there is a distinct
lack or orange skins i ...
Aquarimech 1.0
15th Jan 2003
published by Peacemaker (c) 2003
aquarimech, my latest wa2 skin for the beginning of 2003, released as part of the breed art group.
it's not an easy skin to naviagate because of no button labels, so it's not for ever ...
Fruitotype - first and last version 1.0
No, I'm not colorblind. This was created quite by accident and I just had to finish it. I'm just throwing it out there to see what kind of response I'll get. If you'd like to rip this skin, feel free to do so. ...
2002 Atmo The Freak.
Made for the yaxay winamp skin contest.
Everythings skinned, main, equaliser, playlist, minibrowser, avs, mikroAMP.
Special thanks go to everyone at the skinlove forum, without you guys this would have never been pos ...