====== Plava ======
for winamp
Made by Zlatko Kreso
I skinned everything
this time.
This is my 3rd wa skin
Mail: info-is@in-file
Site: zlatko.cjb.com
& www.plaztik.f2s.com
GMNL classic winamp skin for 5.03
All components skinned, including mb, and cursors
copyright tydogg 2004
This skin was made to be usable and attractive.
Thanks to everyone in the winamp classic forum for your help and criticism.
Let me know i ...
This is bananmp v 1.0. I must asmit i wrote it in MS paint, so don't
expect to much, o well, I did skin evrything except the AVS window.
I even made the cursors. However if you did for some reason like my
skin.. you can download it from http://ahmadr ...
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...
The Dreaming is a band comprised of Christopher Hall (Stabbing Westward), Johnny Haro (Stabbing Westward, Ecoline Crush, Star 69), Diego Russo (Beautiful Losers, 40 Dogs), Jonathan Dyke (Blue Girl, Snake Oil).
Their ...
created by Nini in September 2001
"The smell of cordite always makes her think of the fourth of July"
(Neil Gaiman)
This skin is based on Tori's Strange Little Girls, ...
BALAJI Web-Designs: WinAMP Skin
BWD Jukebox v2.0 (3D)
This is the official skin of BALAJI Web-Designs.
Recommended settings:-
Spectrum analyzer - Normal, Peaks & Thick bands
Oscilliscope - Solid scope
Best with the winamp windows tiled v ...