Renegade X
Comments? Suggestions?
Web Site:
July 8th, 2001
Pat Dengler
This is my second attempt at skinning,
I tried something wild with transparencies
this time. There will be two versions of
this skin, one with EQ sliders, and one
Verte Chose
(c) 2001 Neil Harvey
Hmmmmm, so whats all this about then?, Oh I dunno,
just some crapola I've been dinking around with for
what seems like forever ...
Ironage Amp Colorwave - Info
This is my second well designed amp. I like it very much and it's my favorite.
The colors are nice and bright, and have a 3D look.
Ths skin had many bugs, and I had to repair them ...
tried redusing the amt of blue and increasing the amt of grey and the result ...Metallica(blue).If u see my other skins.. defenitely I think I've developed a lllllllllllllllllllot.
any comments,suggestion...
info-is@in-file ...