"24k-Gold" v1.0 WinAmp skin
Author: Schott in the Head
Complete with MN, PL, EQ & MB skins
Currently there is no AVI skin.
Look for it when v2.0 is released
If you like clean & simple this is the skin for you.
With all the illaborate skins out there this will end up on your desk top more than you think, because its so easy to use & soft on the eyes.
When your tired of logos & advertisement put "24k-Gold" up
& turn on your favorite music & enjoy.
To see other skins Authored by: Schott in the Head
please go to:
or contact Schott in the Head at:
Megadeth-Amp 2.0
Created by Nero!
A totally new look from my former Megadeth-amp skins.
If you pull out the playlist you will see a small photo of the band!
I tried to make it look like stone. I think it looks really
great. I used Paint Shop Pr ...
Under the skin -Pure Windows' bones under the skin (ver. 1.0, 8-4-99 GMT+9)
by WillSubmitANiceSkin (info-is@in-file)
Yes. O.K. It is just a plain Microsoft Windows'. But I bet it's the best one of these Microsoft Windows interface series. Thank you ...
BROWN-AMP v1.2 by Barta
Part of the COLOR-AMP collection : WinAmp in 10 flavours.
Playlist's font is Orbit ...
Skin: POLARIS V1.0 [25/10/2001]
Author: eddieo (wg)
E-mail: info-is@in-file
Website: www.wgskins.com
Thanks for downloading this skin.
Check out the site for some tips on skinning
Any comments or sugestions
Aguileramp: Make Me Over Version 2.
By: L. Bacud
May 27th 2003 Update Dec. 21st 2003
Welcome to Make Me Over, an in-depth Christina Aguilera Winamp Classic Skin. Make Me Over is based on the photo shoot which Chri ...