:: Author: Joe W. Garrett ::
:: Skin: Devour - Greedmonkey ::
:: Date: 03-July-01 ::
Special Thanks and Recoginition
Winamp Skin Love Forum
1. The Only Lynx
2. Ampburner
3. Cyana
4. Mr. Jones
5. Skinme!
6. Greedmonkey
1. Skinme! (For the mikro cap on his post)
Skin Done in 3 Weeks
All parts Skinned.
A special Thanks:
To the band Greedmonkey with whom this skin is dedicated to.
It is an honour and a privelage that they have allowed me to develop
for them skin, site and more.
Thank you guys...
Joe W. Garrett
aka GaretJax
MSN: info-is@in-file
ICQ: 5093815
Esta skin fue creada para:
**Mónica Rodriguez S**
Con todo el afecto que nace
de mi alma, esperando que sea de
tu agrado mi amor
Eres la mujer más Bella del mundo.
RISKY skin for Winamp 2
Made by Chris Corrado aka THE RIPGUY - 2002
----> Display:
recommend 16bit color or higher.
----> installation:
unzip into your winamp skins folder.(ex. c:program fileswinampSkins )
load up winamp and popup the wind ...
++++++++++ CYBORG 1.0 ++++++++++++
Skin Author: Linesh Mungur
E-mail: info-is@in-file
Skin version: 1.0
This is my 8th skin but the first
one containing transparancy. It is
mayb ...
If you are reading this, then I guess that there is a good chance that you are about to 'borrow' some of my images for your own skin.
Well don't do it! If you are going to make a skin of your own, then you should do just that rather than steal b ...