GellarAmp v1.9 by Loveless
Skin for WinAmp 2.20 (and higher)
for Windows 95/98 and Windows NT
E-mail: info-is@in-file
Visit: http://www.tou.com/host/loveless
or: http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Palms/7690
Source: http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Palms/7690/gellaramp.zip
July 27, 1999
(c)1999 Brendan Rice (Loveless), Loveless Net Design
Special thanks to Claire & Claire.
This skin was based on a picture of Sarah Michelle Gellar that I found on a web page.
I created this using Paint Shop Pro 5 and 'Skinner'. Images are in 16-bit colour.
GellarAmp designed for 16 bit color depth or more.
Skinner is a great program to quickly make a basic WinAmp skin. Designer
Kjell Braaten (info-is@in-file)
Please email me and tell me if you liked GellarAmp
E-mail: info-is@in-file
Copy the "gellaramp.zip" file into the WinAmp Skins directory.
This is usually located at C:Program FilesWinAmpSkins.
Then start WinAmp and press ALT+S to bring up the Skins browser. Click on
"GellarAmp" in the browser and you should see WinAmp changing appearance.
Alternatively, click on "Preferences" and click "Select Skin..". Then click
on "GellarAmp" in the browser window. If your still having trouble, then visit:
V1.90, July 27, 1999
Altered monoster.bmp to replace text with symbols.
V1.80, July 24, 1999
Finsihed off most of MB support.
Fixed little PL issues. Changed titlebar Window Shade mode.
Added WindowsShade mode for the PL, EQ and MB.
V1.60, July 23, 1999
Updated mb.bmp location bar. Edit pledit.txt for proper location bar colours.
V1.50, July 21, 1999
Major hard-drive crash (Win95 FDISK BUG!!) on June 7 1999.
I lost 90% of all my files. I had backups of most of my WinAmp skins.
Oh yeah, did some mb.bmp and eq_ex.bmp support.
V1.00, May 12, 1999
Very happy with the finished product. Slight modifications may be needed later.
V0.90, May 10, 1999
Wasn't happy with the way it was turning out. Started from scratch again.
V0.80, August 14, 1998
Released an early version on the Internet.
V0.40, August 13, 1998
Designed most aspects of the skin. Tried to put the final touches to the skin.
DangerAmp 2.0
You're probably wondering what happened to DangerAmp 1.0 (If not - why not? :) I decided to make version 2 while waiting on permission from the author of the wallpaper I used in creating the main amp o ...
I'm new at this. Thought I'd try to make a patriotic skin for my family in Greece. I skinned everything needed. I prefer no equilizer, it clutters the graphics too much. I rarely use the others: AVS, Minibrowser, Library and Video. Hope ...
Liquid Crystal Amp v2.0, Winamp 2.76 Skin. Created by Ground Zero.
To enjoy this skin, move The ZIP file (Liquid Crystal Amp v2.0.wsz) into your
skins directory (...C:Program Fileswinampskin,for example).
Enjoy it!
Wheat Amp 2.0 by Mirko Kirovic
mail: info-is@in-file
icq: #6592117 []v[]e (c)
feel free to distribute this skin and modify it but
you will have to metion me as an original author of
this skin! for any comments, suggestions just mail me
at info-i ...
Ow, my skin!
TEEN GIRL SQUAD! the winamp skin
Created by LuigiHann
I do not own the characters, the Brothers Chapman do.
Watch the toons here:
Font=Comic Sans MS
-=MfS v2=-
In first version I made some mistakes,
so I made anotherone...
Things that are changed ...