~~~~~~ DUSK~~~~~~
I know what you're thinkin'...."ewww.....another
metallic skin" ....hehe....I happen to like shiny things.
Thanks to everyone in the Winamp.com Share Your
Skin Love forum for all your support....*group hug*
Mr Jones-for lettin' me chat your ears off
cappy17-find that redraw titlebar action on this one
*evil grin*
Mike-for being so patient with me (and sharing some
great tunes *hug*)
Xerxes-for inspirations (you didn't know that did you?
ampburner-for spoiling me with the pink version of
Liquid Paradise
Zeruel-for keeping things interesting (hehe)...and
all your great help with DN Angel (yes...I'm still
working on it...*sigh* I'm so slow)
Duk-for constantly crackin' me up
Rikki-for all your help whenever I've needed it
pukkaboy-for the chocolate dipped strawberry *wink*
And thanks to everyone else:
chiquita chad
The Only Lynx
ethan h
...whether the comments are sincere or a tad
sarcastic at times *grin*.....I know I can always
count on you guys......you're all great!
Copyright 2001 - Jayn Plecas
WSD Skins
Title : Vizor , as visual impact , evil lightning , shine and reflection.
Completed : on 23/2/2002.
Skinned : Everything except the minibrowser , its useless anyway :P.
Style : Energetic metal , bronze and silver .
Skin for : Winamp 2.7x
.. ...
ZeldaAmp is back! Zelda has been put under a spell of endless sleep, and it's up to Link to save her! Gannon is dead, but his minions are waiting to revive him by spreading Link's ashes on his grave, so whatever happens... LINK MUST NOT DIE.
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WinAmp v2.9 "Lucky Strike" Skin
April 8, 2004
By Hernandus (info-is@in-file)
WinAmp Skin Made in Argentina.
Thanks to Jellby for his great template.
Skinner's Atlas 1.5.1. Itīs ...
_____// ality
Threeaility WinAMP Skin
1. INSTALL Just move this ZIP file into
the SKIN subdirectory of WINAMP' ...
for Winamp v2.6 or higher
(c) 2000 Archee electronic art
Arteym Tatarov
version released - May 10 2000
skin features all windows and windowshade modes
special futuristic a ...
Gecky's Winamp Skin... (c) Judy Schmidt 2000
Comment: I thought I'd try to make a Winamp skin when I heard someone else talking about one. This is my first skin, and I tried to make it unique and creative. It took a lot longer than I thought it would.. ...