Hi, i'm back and this is my new skin---> motion
I think that is very nice and you'll love it.
It took me 2 weeks to build the skin and finally i made something good.
There are thousands of skins but I hope that my skin will be in the TOP 10 of the web site.
( This is a skincreator's dream )
a) remember that I'm 15 years old so...
b) Photoshop 6.0 ruleeeez
c) SORRY for my English ( I live in GREECE )
d) where is winamp 3.0
e) see you sooooon with my next skin
f) bugs are everywhere !!!!!!!
Pyx Lax , Notis ... FOREVER
Arggggggg!!!! I forgot to tell you my name ---> Tsipas Nick GREECE
MY EMAIL : info-is@in-file
My WEB SITE : or
_ _________OpticBlue v.2________ _
by Nelson Acosta
Version 2.1 - May 29, 2001
Thanks for downloading OpticBlue!
I have made many changes and corrections to this version.
Skin Data for Winamp 2.X
Created by Robo-T
Date JAN.29.2001
Thank you for downloading this file.
Please enjoy it!!
This ZIP file is including:
AMP INSIDER - my first skin release in the wild.
Tom Plantan
Sorry, I am in make-believe land with some comments. I am
just having fun, I am not truly insane.
What does the inside of a winamp ver ...
Mattias Karlsson
I start with excuse my english, its not that good.. If you speak swedish the document has two part. one english and one swedish.
Just unzip into your winampskins direc ...