-=-=-= StoneAmp v1.5 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Thanks for downloading StoneAmp. :)
NullSoft could have done a little bit of a
better job with the whole skin support but
oh well ya do with what you can, aye? Oh
and don't get me wrong, I love winamp,
hence a skin! :)
WinShade Tips:
The WinShade VU looks best when using thick
lines with the 'Line' or 'Fire' style, with
or without peeks. Set the Analyzer falloff
to fastest (all the way to the right) same
with the peeks falloff. Then set the
refresh rate to 9fps (min.) That should be
a pretty cool effect. Ah but you can't
please everyone so if you must, unzip and
hack! I've labeled all the entries for your
conveniance in the viscolor.txt file.
Contact Info:
Thanks again, enjoy!
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= End Document -=-
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