Just Unzip to your Winamp Skins Directory, and besure to 'USE FOLDER NAMES'
- name
Superthrive - Seven Songs for Sinners Skin
- version
- description
Superthrive the bands' New Release 'Seven Songs For Sinners' Skin
- category
- alias
Skin Skunked by Skunk
- email address
.[ ]
.[skin info]
.[creator.:.Jason Lange]
.[date of update.:.2'12'01]
.[inspired by.:.Happiness=read: >:Kaolla::Kaolla Su:<
.:Answers without questions start here:
^:Yes, It is an obsession.
^:Yes, I ...
Red Skin. By heavyoak
Cool cursors huh.
If you want a copy of them make a copy of this skin and open it as a .zip.
Change the .cur to .ani for them to be animated.
If you want more cursors , or info on how to make a skin, E-Mail me at info-is@in-file ...
M O N S O O N - kensen john
A rainy day. Nowhere to go. Nothing to do.
The sound of the rain smashing on my window.
Lightning and thunder makes ...
October 6, 1999
Yup, it's another Young Magician skin ^_^ This is from the cover of
volume 3 of the manga. Quite nifty, eh? The story of the manga revolves
around two young men with unusual powers, and a lot of bizarre occult
things happening around ...
August 22, 1999
Here is my second skin for Sorcerous Stabber Orphen. Hmm this show
is pretty popular there is a second series for it now (or on the
way anyway) in Japan. Cool! :)
http://fly.to/Emichan ...
iBDE V.2 skin for Winamp
By Nareuphon Bau
Thanks for downloading and trying this.
"iBDE" was inspired by SpyAmp Professional Edition
one of my Favorite skin. ...
This is my Metalhead Winamp Skin
It took me like 3 months to skin up...
some parts have been modified to suit user interface
tidied up the mesh on the EQ and darkened the green on everything
I`ve tidied some of the bugs that were their before but th ...