°Premier DEH-MP3 Ver.1.0(Jungle)WinampSkin READ ME°
Hi and Welcome to an all new skin created by me,
The Premier DEH-MP3(Jungle)1.0 HiFi Skin some of you will know
that Premier stands for Quality Car Audio by Pioneer something like
the Lexus under the Car Radios and so was my thought to create
this Quality DEH-MP3 Skin of my Pioneer DEH-MP3 Series.
Some parts of the skin are taken from my Pioneer (Blue Dream)Skin,
Some parts are completely new.
This Skin includes also a AVS skin
(I know I could have made this AVS better but for only 2 Days Skinning...)
In my opinion this Skin is absoluteley Bug-Free but if you notice some mail me.
The Skin was created in 2 days with MS-Paint,PSP5,Notepad.Love it or hate it.
`nuff said enjoy.
Skin and READ ME created by Wildcore aka (P.R.O)Shaggy2Dope mail at info-is@in-file visit our CS Clanpage at http://www.proislam.clanpages.com
My love goes to the PROISLAM! CLAN,my Moms and my Pops,my friends (you know who u are)
info-is@in-file (for posting my skins and your hard work,I`ve heard you`re doing everything alone),...Sorry if i forgot someone.
Clean and easy on the eye. Have fun.
- shankar
1 Changed button text
a) Add -> File (instead of Sel)
b) Sub -> Sel (instead of File)
2 Changed selected button color
a) Sub -> S ...
Old Mac-OS
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Skin: 8oP's Savage Garden
Artist: info-is@in-file
Note: (skin #2)
My fave music artists. Cool Savage Garden dragon on Main window. Cover from their debut album on Eq. Tried to follow the SG black/white theme. The little colorful character is su ...
Author : Jean-Paul Larrivee
Created: 06/03/2003
Contact: info-is@in-file
Home Page:http://www31.brinkster.com/stargazer3
Comment: This is an update of SoundFX_v1.0
for winamp 2.91
Added library,video.
Fi ...
Name: Roma
Version: 1.0
Description: It's a skin made with the colors and symbols of A.S. Roma (football team).
Category: Sport
My name: Franz
E-mail: info-is@in-file
URL: No homepage. ...
n0v4m4z's Winamp 2 & 5 Classic Skin
chapter 2
This is my second skin and I haven't spent all my knowledge ...
US RED ROAD by Icecrime
This is my first skin for Winamp. My favourite colour is the RED so I used it. The rest came from my imagination.
I have managed to skin even the AVS window and I am satisfied.
Nothing else to say.
Enjoy my skin.
info-is@in ...