|The Big Blue 1.1
Skin for Winamp by
Pawel Swierczewski
i changed my e-mail... (sorry that is all...)
skin for:
main window, eqalizer, playlist, AVS
all buttons works!!!
Andrea CORR v.2.32 by SamHh
Salut, moi c'est SamHh !
Ceci est une "skin" d'ANDREA CORR, la chanteus ...
.Angels Eyes - Winamp 2.0+ skin set
.RELEASE: Nov 10, 2001
The skin motive is on Rei Ayanami, from the anima/manga series Neon Genesis Evengelion.
Rei is the first child and pilot o ...
This is my first Winamp Skin.
to install...
- Create a subfolder in WinAmp/Skins/ directory ("Sketch" for example)
- Copy all the files into it
- Open WinAmp
- Menu (top-left ...