S U M E A . A M P v3.1
All items are skinned and everything animates.
Improved balance and filled in all working frames.
Matched colors and added pl eq and more.
Many bugs, and buttons fixed, but no cursors --
because I don't use them.
At last, the spectrum analyzer is calibrated for
MP3 at 44kHz -- but the scale is off for
wavs and MP3 at other rates.
Winamp eq bands are labeled to aid in tweaking.
Helps you find that frequency you want to limit!!
Reduced to 256 (8bit) colors for more consistent
look at multiple display depths, and to save space.
It actually looks just as good as the 24bit version
at 24bit truecolor resolution.
The original maker of sumea.amp is noted below.
This modification is posted at his request.
The java animations at www.sumea.com are worth
a look. I especially like the turtle.
s u m e a . amp WinAmp skin
by Jarkko Salminen 23/6/1999
Contact: info-is@in-file
Visit our website: www.sumea.com
September 5, 1999
I am sorry I keep making Aburatsubo skins for Mahoutsukai Tai, but
I just can'thelp it, he is my favorite character! And he looks so
adorable herw in his PJs! I included a blank eq window with just
the image on it (instead of th ...
> (v.1.0.)
Thank you for downloading this skin. I hope that you like it and that you'll enjoy it.
Other skins: Tal'Shiar
Bird Of Prey
Delta Flyer
Lyran AMP
Jeri AMP
Quantum AMP
Borg Con ...
Avatar II
What's Changed:
-Color scheme
-Equalizer slider buttons
-Posbar shifter button
-Main Control Push buttons (I messed up on the shadow before)
Fyre '00 ...
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...
|University of Michigan WinAmp Skin v.1.12 |
|Created By Ted Park |
|Inspired by Dave Flowe ...