Producto de Daniel's Wolrd
Buenos Aires Argentina
Hola, Saludos a los que vean este documento.
Si usted esta leyendo esto, significa que
pude hacer que mi amp apareciera en
o en otra pagina parecida y eso es bueno.
Este es mi nuevo amp: H˛O-REI-AMP, terminado el 09-02-2000
a la noche, (cuando lo "zipie").
Lo Pude hacer solo en dos semanas, y quedo de lujo,
(he!, He!, que modesto).
Lamentablemente esta es la versión compacta (version 8-bit),
ocupa relativamente poco comparada con la skin de alta calidad.
Si quieren obtenerla los invito a escribir a:
(No manden Virus)
Gracias por Download mi H˛O Skin!
Hello Web's friends here it is my new winamp's skin, H˛O amp.
Here it is in the amp the fomouse Evangelion-00's pilot, Rei
Ayanami near a swiming pool, Enjoy it!
I finish it the 02-09-2000 in the nigth.
This is a poor quality version (8-bit).
If you want the full one send mi a MAIL to:
(Don't send virus :-> )
Thanks for downdload my H˛O skin!
Skin: Iron Chef
Author: jjpotter
Inspiration: crazy Japanese cooking competition
Assistance: Input from our friends at the Skinlove Forum
If you haven't seen the show, watch it, if only just once. It will make you a better person.
Hope you like th ...
Construction Paper Beach
By flatmatt
Version 1.51
* * * * * * *
I made this for the summer skin contest Xerxes is running. Winamp hat! Winamp shi ...
This skin was made by Henrik Pedersen from Denmark.
e-mail: info-is@in-file
I wanted to make a skin with a stone look and I think I succeded. The name it self has no meaning it just looked good on the skin, and it look very medie ...
Greenback Amp v1.0
This skin is the first of its kind (to my knowledge) and Winamp has been
screaming for a skin like this. However i cannot take credit for this
original idea. The credit and inspiration for this skin belongs only to
my wonderful ...
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...
Title: Sheikah Night
Games: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time,
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Author: kayak
Email: info-is@in-file
UPDATED: Skinned the extra parts for Winamp 2.9
I really like the character Sheik and I was very pleased to see ...
Pokémon - skin for Winamp 2.x
Version 1.0
Extract the zip file into your WinampSkins directory, usually located in Program Files.
Enter Options/Skin Browser or press Alt+ ...
Skinname:: Red Shade
Autor:: El*ArGeNtO
Date:: 16/09/05
This is my entry for the Monochrome Skin contest...
Hope you enojoy this one...
Programs I Used:
MS Paint (Free with windows)
GIMP (Freeware)
Vis Toolkit by Andrew Mackowski (Freewar ...