***** 3 Spirit Skin *****
So, I've done this too. What's next? If you expect from an interface to let you see all the buttons and sliders, without becoming ridiculous, you won't be dissapointed with this s""t. For those who have the same visual tastes as me it's very improbable not to like this skin :)
This set of .bmp-s, .cur-s and .txt-s was made by SCriBu a.k.a Cristi Burca, Romania
Green Neon Amp I .. Created by aMmOOooR
------------------ (28/07/99) -------------
Hello guys and gals.. How is it goin there??
I hope everything is just fine.
Anyway, this is the first time for me to make a Skin for Winamp. GOD!
It wa ...
R - E - F - L - E - C - T - I - O - N
This skin was made:
- on PhotoShop 5.5
- under WinAmp 2.74
If you haven't
get it from
skin files
C --- O --- M --- M --- E --- N ...
cool_blue - amp.zip made by R0ckb0Y
I spent a lot of time to finish this skin
but I am quite satisfied with this skin
hope U like it
info-is@in-file ...
-=March 18, 2001=-
This is Wooden Winamp, a Winamp skin by Crazy Carl.
Visit me at http://carlfoust.tripod.com
Email me at info-is@in-file
You may distribute this file by any method you like, as long as this readme and all other files are incl ...
`````````````````````` Titanium_Maximis 1.0 ```````````````````````
This skin contains skins for 5 additional
pulggins! The main thing that many skins lack
is multiple skin support, so thus this skin was
This skin was designed from drawni ...
Dwarf Life
All graphics and cursors are made by Viperashu.
[ (c) 2002 ]
N ...