They r F**ken awesome cymbals..
This Skin started as one i Downloaded from the site
........But it was Crap...
Well It Wasn't that bad, It wasn't finished thats all
It only had the skin for the main screen..
So i finished it, I added a skin for the Playlist, Mini Browser,
one for the Eq and one for the minimised Eq
which for some reason not many skins actually have.
I Tried to Complete with the same theme as the original,
+ a few improvements and a few bugs taken out.
I hope the original creator is Pleased,
If he isn't...........F**k Him!!
{Created By Mr Fail}
name: Micha Klein
By : Tim Bakker (Salvatore)
mail: info-is@in-file
ICQ#: 36602778
This winamp is based on a Dutch grafical Atrtist
called Micha Klein. I've seen his work several
times and it was about time somone made a skin
of his work. So I d ...
Hi there!
This skin is made by Pepijn Koster.
Its based on version 8 of my website.
You may not modify the graphics of this skin for other then personal use.
Greetings and Groeten,
Pepijn Koster - www.X21B. ...
Feiticeira Winamp Skin by Tatu
Tatu proudly presents the most wanted skin of brazilian guys :)
More them a 1.000.000 playboy issues selled !
(Brazilian record)
Visit my site for more Hi-Q ...
Austin Powers in GOLDMEMBER
In Theaters JULY 26
Come check out Austin Powers webiste at:
Original ...
Normal=#00FF00 //Color of the regular text (Playlist).
Current=#FFFFFF //Color of the current track text (Playlist).
NormalBG=#000000 //Background for normal text (Playlist).
Selec ...
Version 1.0
Winamp skin for Winamp 2.x
by Fahrezal Effendi alias exa_volt
February 2001
Thanks for downloading this skin use use it for your Winamp interface.
This skin contains of all Winamp full version Windows, include the avs and ...