Welcome to the ReadMe!.txt of the MP-FX1817 (v1.0) WinAmp skin
I don't have much to say about his one, I've created it in Paint and made the light effects in Photoshop.
Also blurred the wire thingies in Photoshop after creating it in paint.
Recommended res: 1152x864, 32bpp.
Why so high? 'Cause that's the res/colordepth I created it in, I donno how it works in other resolutions.
Mail me if you have a res that different from these and it also works good in.
How long did it took me to make this skin? 2/3 days. =)
If you notify any bugs or if you just want to drop me a line, mail me at:
Vist my website at:
May the skins be with you! =P
Sleek Skin for winamp
for Winamp
Created By : Thiru
Contact : info-is@in-file
This is my third skin that I officially published(the other two are Raw amp,Illusion)I think I've come far from those skins with this one.I've skinned most of the windo ...
Blue Jeans v1.5
Winamp skin - Released August 2000
- Golden zippers;
- Playlist buttons improved;
- Made in indexed colors;
- Winshade mode impr ...
Midnight Amp v1.0
~ by Subrandom ~
Distrubuted on:
I spent most of my time working
on this skin with much moral
support from mr joel day
and the rest of the pals at
thirdcoil, so hang around there
and ill mak ...
Authors notes are as follows:
1# Email of author: info-is@in-file
"Your thoughts my Ideas"
2# Default Base skin txt files & cursors. (as downloaded from www.winamp.com)
"No one here but Us Trees"
3# All skining done by Sypher_5 except def ...
Torpid skin for winamp
Version : 1.1
for winamp : 2.0+
Creator : Torpid
This is my official skin... i guess.
That's why i named it torpid.
For best ...
Skin: IlliniAmp 2.9
Author: jjpotter
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Hail Alma Mater, ever so True
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