Welcome to the ReadMe!.txt of the MP-FX1817 (v1.0) WinAmp skin
I don't have much to say about his one, I've created it in Paint and made the light effects in Photoshop.
Also blurred the wire thingies in Photoshop after creating it in paint.
Recommended res: 1152x864, 32bpp.
Why so high? 'Cause that's the res/colordepth I created it in, I donno how it works in other resolutions.
Mail me if you have a res that different from these and it also works good in.
How long did it took me to make this skin? 2/3 days. =)
If you notify any bugs or if you just want to drop me a line, mail me at:
Vist my website at:
May the skins be with you! =P
ReadMe.txt file for Obsession V1.0 By SMAR
Created for BreedArt pack #22 - http://www.breedart.org
My 2nd skin made for the new Breedpack.
Took a bit longer to make than I thought,
but it worked out nic ...
::::[ Bend v3 ]::::
by SacRat, based on Bend v2 by the-joker
Changes from the original skin:
-the font is changed (edited)
-min/max/close buttons' for is changed
-balance/volume are updated (for example, balance has a stripe now)
-eq/pl buttons ...
Wah! It's a skin from Shinkyoku, a manga by You Higuri. I love You Higuri's
artwork! And this guy has 2 of my favorite things - pointy ears AND wings!
http://yaoi.anime-manga.net/winamp ...
f a u s t v 0 0 0 1
Wazzup! This is my 2nd newest skin...eww bad start.
Garet Jax is not liable for what stupid people do
with my skin.
* You may not use parts of this skin unless you ask.
* ...