version 1.0
Thanks for downloading my skin!
It took me a week to finish
this baby so don't rip it
or any parts of it!
I'd like to thank my bro
Luke who's opinions
has helped me in doing it!
I also would like like to thank
Eminem's music which has inspired
me in making this skin.
Thanks also goes to those
shitty skinners who don't know
how to make skins (a few days ago
I saw poor skin which name I won't
tell,and that skin has been given
5 stars,after I saw that,I thougt
:Oh my God todays skinners do
shitty job).
Now to the skin:
I put very contrasting yellow
screen to give feeling that the
matrix of the skin is a
nuclear power plant.
If you have any comments send them
Original Skin Data for Winamp
Created by Hiropon
Date Mar.11.2002
Thanx for downloading this file.
This ZIP file is including:
"VButtons98" skin
AVS presets pack
by I)estym
>>- place the presets to your
winamppluginsavs folder and enjoy!
give rest to your eyes!
If you want to use this preset or parts of it
in your own presets you may do it, just ...
---------- Millennium ----------
Releaseversion: 2.1
Creator: Riccardo Mosca
Date: 16/4/2000
Contact: info-is@in-file
What's different from v2.0?
A small error in Equalizer and new menu for Playlist
What's different from v1.0?
Bug fixed, tri ...
Hello again everyone!
Glad you decided to use my latest creation!...
Why VAMP Amp? Well, as a kid in the '70's I got to see first hand
the best, or cheesiest horror movies ever and I really dig vampires
and horror movies. Als ...
Sophia 1.0, sept.'03
(c) peacemaker.
*standard version.
_ _ _ _
This skin is going towards part of my collection, of the bio-mechanical breed.
tainted towards the darkness within all of us..
thanks go out to a few people, for all of your frie ...