Aureus Winamp Skin v1.0
20 June, 2000
Regener8ed @
My second skin. I wanted to create a completely unique and integrated skin that best suits my own personal tastes. (Something I'd use on a daily basis that's not obtrusive on the screen, but still cool to look at.) I also wanted something that did some things I haven't seen in other skins. The nature of skinning Winamp includes certain limitations, but I feel that my finished product absorbs these limitations as gracefully as possible while still approaching my original objectives.
Aureus is an original product of my own imagination and, different from my first skin, started out completely from scratch.
Due to the integrated nature of Aureus (which happens to evolve from the way I use Winamp on my own desktop), it is best used with the Main Window, Equalizer, and Playlist all open and stacked on each other.
Name of skin: Drexel University
version: 2.01
description: I changed the yellow background to grey and made the skin clearer.
category: Universiy Skins
Name: Hans Ertl
email: info-is@in-file
homepage: ...
((******* R O X E T T E - A M P *******))
Dedicated to the No.1 band all times!
ICQ 13222685 ...
Happy Halloween.
If you're roughly my age, this should bring back nice memories. If not, you probably have no idea what it is.
But at least it's orange.
Check out for more info.
minibrowser ...
Metal Mutant Winamp Skin V1.2
By Richard Gray (Warlock of Unseen Menace)
E-mail: info-is@in-file
Just a little doc to tell you about my Winamp skin and some useful info for others who want to make their own.
About My Skin
I have downloaded ma ...
HISTORY OF SKIN: (well it's just a joke, so far this history is 14 days old)
ver. 1 (unreleased)
the idea came from a commercial seen on tv and...
a little bit too "flat", i couldn't post the skin because the ******.com server was
doin' something a ...