,Ellyamp III ,Freddie Mercury Skin Version 2 1 ,benderamp futurama ,Strypes1 WSZ ,dialogamp v2 ,Deus Ex Amp by AJ ,shocker 3 sour apple ,Rei Ayanami Version 2
Ellyamp :
Version 3.03
Skin completed at 3:14 am , 23rd of Apr 2003 on Jasc PaintShop Pro 7.04. Unfortunatly, animated cursors where not added since Animation Shop 3 kept screwing my transparent cursors all the time >_ ...
If you are reading this, then I guess that there is a good chance that you are about to 'borrow' some of my images for your own skin.
Well don't do it! If you are going to make a skin of your own, then you should do just that rather than steal b ...
HISTORY OF SKIN: (well it's just a joke, so far this history is 14 days old)
ver. 1 (unreleased)
the idea came from a commercial seen on tv and...
a little bit too "flat", i couldn't post the skin because the ******.com server was
doin' something a ...
< Deus Ex Amp >
Copyright 2002 by Crocodile Dumbdee [Andrew ('AJ') Ashton]
Original Release: March 11, 2002
Created for: Winamp 2.x
Version: 1.0.0
Last Update: none
1) Copyr ...
TemplateMonster.com skin by StillWater
www.TemplateMonster.com offers the best website templates on the net. The range is huge, and the templates are of a high quality, and affordable.
(C) Copyright 2004 StillWater.
StillWater contact: info- ...
Here's where you write the info of the skin. Type ANYTHING here.
Credit: info-is@in-file
My site: www.landofthekirby.com
Deviant: starkirby.deviantart.com
Questions: ...