"Stellcrap" por José Cores.
Alguna sugerencia o comentario:
Gracias a mi familia que me banca asi como soy y a todos los que mandan sus comentarios y sugerencias, que gracias a ustedes, esto no seria posible :].
Y un gran agradecimiento a Dios. Gracias a Él existe todo, la luz, el color, la complicada ingenieria de todos los principios visuales de estética, entre otros, viteh?
Programas utilizados: > Paint 5.1
> paint shop pro
> y aguante la tecla "Impr Pant Petsis"!!
Julio 22, 2005.
This skin were made by PEz (c)
It can not be copied or sold to anybody
contact me if you want to use the components featured in this skin, Thanks
antex by shottie aka kal36387
do not rip do not rip, all components copyrighted to me. mail
me for permission if you need to use it. info-is@in-file
report any major bugs to info-is@in-file thank you. ...
Ali Larter
visit my website: Comkillserve
Ali Larter skin v5.0
v5.0 updated for winamp 5
added 4 pixels in the genex.bmp
v2.9 updated for winamp 2.9,
added video and ...
clean amp - sapphire
by - Johnny -
Version 1.00 September 2003
- Main Features
- Description (and my e-mail, IRC nick and server, etc)
- A note on bugs and skinning
- ...