=== Equalize by Panther 37 ===
When I was creating TI-83amp versions 1 and 1.1
(Winamp.com IDs: 3325 & 144620) I was con-
stricted to the amp looking like a certain object.
This restricted some of my creative talent. So I
made an amp that wasn't based off anything. I
borrowed the blue button style and some colors
from TI-83amp but that's about it. The rest was up
to me. The skin works best with the font
Humanst521 BT. I have included it in the skin so
you can unzip it and see how good it looks. All
the "fonts" that had to be bitmapped were anti-
aliased from a 72 pt down to whatever size they
needed to be. PLEASE tell me what you think.
You can e-mail me @ info-is@in-file
= Known Bugs =
= Version History =
Sadly I didn't keep a version history
= Version(s) to Come =
TI-83amp Version 1.L
- The "L" is for Legible buttons. Some of the
buttons in the amp aren't the user friendly to
- A NEW amp using the font by the same name.
Planned to be lighter than Equalize and look
nothing like it or TI-83amp.
SONY PMC-301re v3.1 for 2.9
added cursors,mikro amp.
july 7 /2003
SONY PMC-301re v3.0 for 2.9
changed everywhere :-)
june 26 / 2003
Pac-man Fever 1.3
...Volume animation
...Eq slider
...Mikro's small mode
and some details.
Pac-man Fever 1.2
Fixed some details.
Skinned all cursors.
Do not use any stuff of th ...
Dark Green Evo 0x0E
15th generation skin by EJ
Playlist Font:
Set as "Small Fonts", which looks rubbish above size 9.
Change font size to 9 in Options, Preferences, Playlist, Playlist Editor Appearance, Playlist Font Size.
[Also you can do this by ...
I made this skin because I wanted a simple skin that I could understand, and like. I based it on my website colours (see http://moab-software.tk/). I live in Colorado, USA.
Yeah, many man hours went into this skin, like maybe 20.
There were no skin- ...