****Spawn v 1.0****
Hey my adoring fans xotrex is b...ack
and i have brought to you a creation
If you heard about The Cyrac, i must tell
you that the Cyrac has been spawned into
The ...
[РадиоФизический факультет Киевского
национального университета
им. Т.Г. Шевченка]
Skin: RPD ver 1.2
Дата: 06-13.05.2004
Обновлено: 07.05.2005
Автор: Куций Роман [info-is@in-file]
Сайт автора:
http://kutsy.5u.com ...
//////////////This is my very first skin I have every created.
It took me three days straights to complete the whole thing. After
making it, I can't say I like the process very much, it was a pain
in the butt! However, I created this skin dedicated for ...
Legion skin 1.0 for WinAmp
I wanted to make a cool, smooth
metal skin that was a bit different
from most of the others, but also
the kind of skin that you will
want to use all the time (i.e. not
having most ...