Classix 10K 2.0 Deep Sea Blue KAI
(June-07-2003, April-28-2004)
Permission is granted by egalitarian.
This is a Winamp 5 skin based on the original Classix 10k Windows theme created by gigatexel, bant and saintdark. Thank you guys for creating such a wonderful theme and thanks to all involved in creating it. Thanks to gigatexel for his helpful tips and all others from the Neowin community who gave their constructicve critic about this skin.
compiled by egalitarian
ver kai by iron2000
Bluemetal 2.0
made by: Petepan
e-mail: info-is@in-file
nr. III
this is what happends when you'r bored out and happends to start photoshop....... ...
WinAmp Skin for version 2.x
Skin Title WA WinAqua
Created by MvHdesigns May 2002
If you feel free to comment on this skin, good or bad, then please send me an e-mail.
Marco Van Hirtum
The Netherlands ...
VickyAmp -- "Vicky in blue"
September 7, 2000
Author : Ferdhie
My Last skin, courtesy of Vicky Zhao Wei, asian actress
Isn't she cute? If you had anything to say, just mail me ok!
The address below!
E-mail : info-is@in-file
Url : http://ferdh ...
::[ edgecrusher ]:: LAME BLUE
v. 1.0
release date: 11.04.2k2
skin by: gerdez a.k.a. "a Láma"
Notes: It's been a while since I ...
Shogun skin for Winamp 2.x
by John Theodorski
April 2001
Skin crafted for Nullsoft 'Official Ninja Month.'
I have used this as an opportunity to expand my collection of skins reflecting ancient civilizations and architecture, so in the ...
All parts and resources of "Mystik" were made by Dawg4Life2K1 (aka Alex Luu).
Feel free to distribute the skin as much as possible, but only under my name, changes
can be made but not resubmitted as a "new" skin, and all rips are strictly prohibited. ...