This skin was inspired by the cover of the CD Forward Rewinding, by the Alpha Conspiracy and Low Technicians, thus I named the skin Low Tech. The low technicians are a great synthpop band, so if that's your thing, check them out.
Other worlds of interest: - A band contracted on diffusion records, run by Brad McAllister and Brian Pearson. - Another project by Brad McAllister, along with Jason Fenimore - A project by Andrew Sega, of Iris.
Skin by Pencilgod, October 2003
Mail: info-is@in-file
Check out my other skin, V Space, if you're looking for something more mainstream.
Check out Alpha Conspiracy Player , a tribute to the great IDM artist the Alpha Conspiracy. This is a nice neutral skin that should work for anyone who's not interested in electronic music too :).
98 Degrees Winamp skin
created by
Billy Kunju
Major upgrade since the first one which was created 3 years ago.
The equalizer and the playlist have been totally revamped to ...
Root Data v2.0
Skin made by:
Larry Tennison
Site designed and created by:
----(UPDATE=> new to the version 2.0 => chromed out the metal to get rid of the "rusted look", added a volume slidder button, changed the loo ...
---------------------- QuickSilver 2.0 -----------------------
I changed the control buttons, the volume and balance sliders,
and fixed the eq sliders. That's all.
-------------------- ...
I S W ... Themed Skin
Side development of Dark Green Evo B
AVS Video and Mb skinned, but not checked for bugs.
Text taken from website, as are colours, and small graphics.
Not original colours etc but original idea!
Any feedback or suggestions w ...
[ Device Remix ]
by GoldenSphynx(2nd Skin)
This skin was published with the permission of Kraki. His original "Device" skin can be found at:
Send all comments and question re ...
¤----------=[ Zaxon 5.5 ]=-----------¤
Skin made by Daniel Jansson
No ripping or other mean stuff
E-Mail: info-is@i ...