Created by Vasanth Vasudevan Lakshminarayan (
This skin was originally created for the 40's suite by ~imrik ( At some point of time me and imrik lost touch and we never got the chance to discuss about this skin or his suite. For some reason Imrik took down all of his Visual Styles and the intiated project was not published. Here's a skin which i've been longing to publish but was never able to. Hope you like the way its turned out! (Hope you like it too imrik).
~mina amp~
i made this using neopaint.
it's a nifty little paint program.
you should check it out.
so this is my first attempt at a skin.
i know it won't win any prizes, but it's
sorta cool anyway.
be sure to look for mine and hwang's
I'm new at this. Thought I'd try to make a patriotic skin for my family in Greece. I skinned everything needed. I prefer no equilizer, it clutters the graphics too much. I rarely use the others: AVS, Minibrowser, Library and Video. Hope ...
Nano United
By Andrew Mackowski, info-is@in-file
Thanks for D/L'ing!
Also, Please don't post this skin on your site or use parts of it in your skin without my permission! Just ask me--I'll probably ...
Sony ReplicAmp v2.9.4
This skin has been created as an extension of the Sony ReplicAmp
1.x series by Wasit? Creations. The original readme file text is
included at the bottom of this file.
This skin now includes support for the main window, equal ...
cool_blue - made by R0ckb0Y
I spent a lot of time to finish this skin
but I am quite satisfied with this skin
hope U like it
info-is@in-file ...