Pixelated Maddness v1.0
This skin covers the Main Player, The Playlist, The Equalizer, The Video, The General Windows, (Media Library, etc) all windowshades and MikroAmp
firstly thank you for downloading my skin and I hope that you enjoy it.
I have made this skin as part of a small competition on the WA forums, But have really enjoyed making it and may make future versions of this skin! if you find any bugs please let me know!
Riksruin (info-is@in-file)
www.alternative styles.co.uk
If you have any comments on this skin or any other skin from my
site then please E-mail Me using the address above.
I included a startpage for the minibrowser. Unfortunately it will be changed if you
update the links. Put the startpage (winampmb.htm) in the winamp-folder ...
skin v1.2
Acacia fraternity, founded 1904 in Ann Arbor Michigan.
One of the best fraternities in Greek history turned 100 years old in 2004. The Nebraska Chapter turned 100 on February 14, 2005. This skin goes out to all members of the black and g ...
Hi, thanks for downloading XG Synth-Amp. This is my second Winamp skin, the first being IBM Amp. I put
in alot more time on this one (3 months vs. 3 days for IBM Amp), so hopefully it is decent.
If you have any problems, suggestions, or questions, f ...
"The Big Yin"
fanart/skin, 04/2003... dedicated to the real Big Yin, mister Billy Connolly.
by e-blackadder (info-is@in-file or info-is@in-file)
Outrageous Scotsman... one-of-a-kind showman.. ...
17:26 21/02/00 - Kenwood Virtual Bass Release 1.0
This skin is loosly based on a Kenwood Home Stereo with LCD display
and a back-light. This is my first skin release. Hope it satisfies
stereo realism! Enjoy...
E-Mail me with any comments : info-is ...