read me text for tubular amp
by amp-phibian
well this is my 4th skin but 3rd submitted still working on that third one
look for hi-fi integration coming soon
as with most of my skins the main idea is to be new innovative and original
the concep ...
ICE 6 for Winamp Clasic. 12/09/2005
My first skin ever. Possibly my only and last skin too.
Very hard work to put one together. Designed after winamp classic.
Same features and layout. Theme'd towards musical aritst and website of ICE 6.
1. About BathTile Bleu:
A fully-tilable ceramic skin with lots of little friends. The original BathTile became involved in a collaboration project called Jeri Ryan in the Pink. I had suc ...
Pioneer ReplicAmp versión Especial by KSO
Lo he actualizado del skin realizado por Wasit. Simplemente lo he arreglado
para que también tenga una piel la lista de reproducción, el EQ, el bus ...
Name: Winamp Region Edition
Version: 3.00
Date Export: 30/01/2003
Date Upgrade: 26/03/2005
Copyright: Mr. Haitham AL-Hunayan
E-Mail: info-is@in-file
Description: Skin for Winamp 2.x
Informations: Full Quality Designed
Hope didn't forget any ...
Celtic Amp Pro
WinAmp skin by Shamrock Designs, Inc. -
Professional Edition v2.1 - April, 2001
1 ...